#794, December 5 to December 11:
Extreme Killer Sudoku Puzzle
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Cage Combinations |
WARNING: You are on the Weekly 'Extreme' Killer Sudoku Sudoku Page.
Killer Sudoku is a fiendish variant of Sudoku - the same 9 x 9 board with rows,
columns and nine boxes that must be filled in with all the numbers 1 to 9. But
instead of seeing some starter clues where some cells are completed for you, in
killer sudoku areas of the grid are "caged". Each cage contains a single number
which is the sum of all the solutions in that shape. You have to use this
information to crack the Sudoku, but all the normal strategies of Sudoku still
A cage of two
cells containing a target of 3 will must contain cells with the value 1 and 2.
(We conform to the Killer convention that no cage will contain a duplicate
number even if it is within the rules of sudoku).
Killers strategies are explained on our forum here and on this external site here.
A list of Cage/Value combinations is available here.
All Extreme puzzles have a single solution and at least one logical solve path, although this might be obscure
to say the least.
The deadline is Saturday night, any time up to midnight.
See also the Triathlon and Sextathlon Tables
Latest 20 time taken comments -
- 20:09 pm - Don't know - 13:40 pm - 20 minutes - 12:52 pm - 14 min - 12:50 pm - 17 min - 12:47 pm - 16 min - 12:46 pm - 15 minutes - 12:45 pm - 33 min - 12:33 pm - 44 mins - 12:10 pm - 24 minutes - 08:06 am - 23 min; difficulty d = 3.3 - 06:07 am - 1 hour - 02:38 am - 5 minutes - 19:15 pm - 1h - 17:29 pm - EK# 981 - 15:45 pm - 30 minutes - 15:01 pm - 20 minutes - 14:11 pm - 60 - 12:45 pm - 1h - 11:21 am - 1h - 10:47 am - 30 mins
The competition rules are simple, just print out the Killer sudoku from the link above/left and when you have
completed it enter the numbers in the box on the form with your name and address.