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Jigsaw Daily Competition
Advance puzzles are now available

Now available for your iPhone Cool Sudoku

Visit our site to see the great iPhone application that brings you Sudoku, Killer, Jigsaw, Kakuro and Mini Sudoku to your iPhone/iPod Touch.

We are running Daily Competitions and will be supporting a leader board for each puzzle type.

Click to go to the Cool Sudoku Site

or use the Button below to view in iTunes



#7083, March 28:
Competition Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle - Tough level of difficulty

Welcome to the Daily Jigsaw Sudoku Competition. This puzzle is exactly the same as a normal Sudoku - fill in the rows and columns and boxes with 1 to 9 without the same number appearing in any row, column or box. BUT, in a Jigsaw, the boxes are rather strange shapes. You can still use the same strategies and perhaps invent some new ones.

The competition rules are simple, just print out the Sudoku from the link below and when you have completed it enter the numbers in the graphical sudoku board (yes it's a form!). You need to enter your name, email address and country. If this is your first time then it will automatically create a personal history for you so you can keep track of your submissions and try for the Experts list. Anyone can get into the Top Jigsaw Expert list - this is now the sum of all your correct entries for the last three hundred and fifty days.

Read the Web Site Update announcement for the update on submitting.
The competition cut-off time is midnight EST (GMT-5) and 5:00am (GMT) UK Time.

(With Candidates): CLICK here for black and white - here for colour
New!: Work Sheet


9 6 7
4 9
6 7
4 1
9 3 5 6
6 5 3
4 9
2 9 8
Mondays are Gentle
Tuesdays are Gentle
Wednesdays are Moderate
Thursdays are Moderate
Fridays are Tough - Today!
Saturday's puzzle is Tough
Sundays's puzzle is Diabolical!

Type in these cells Type in blank cells!!

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Click on the button below

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> Copy and Paste <

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30 Day Jigsaw Archive
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Gen Gen Mod Mod Tou Tou Diab
  25/2 26/2 27/2 28/2 1/3 2/3
3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 7/3 8/3 9/3
10/3 11/3 12/3 13/3 14/3 15/3 16/3
17/3 18/3 19/3 20/3 21/3 22/3 23/3
24/3 25/3 26/3 27/3 28/3    

Yesterday's Solution: Moderate no. 7082

9 3 6 7 4 5 1 8 2
1 8 3 2 5 7 6 4 9
6 2 7 4 8 1 3 9 5
8 9 5 3 1 2 7 6 4
5 7 4 1 6 8 9 2 3
3 6 8 5 9 4 2 1 7
2 5 1 8 7 9 4 3 6
7 4 9 6 2 3 8 5 1
4 1 2 9 3 6 5 7 8

30 Day Jigsaw Solution Archive
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Gen Gen Mod Mod Tou Tou Diab

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Top Jigsaw Sudoku Experts
ordered by most correct entries
champion350 - Alexey Shavliuk, RussiaSame
champion350 - alim rahim, SingaporeSame
champion350 - andyhailes, UKSame
champion350 - Barun Gupta, IndiaSame
champion350 - Brian Whitnall, UKSame
champion350 - ccchen, TaiwanSame
champion350 - Edgar F. Legaspi, PhilippinesSame
champion350 - Eric Coughlan, AustraliaSame
champion350 - Gary Gladish, USASame
champion350 - Jayaa, IndiaUp
champion350 - Melani, IndonesiaSame
champion350 - Michelle Liu, USASame
champion350 - Mike Crawford, USASame
champion350 - Mike Vivian, USASame
champion350 - Nada Savatic, USASame
champion350 - Patricia Golditch, USASame
champion350 - pavlik, ItalySame
champion350 - Peter Dickinson, UKSame
champion350 - Peter Rogers, UKSame
champion350 - Raul, ArgentinaUp
champion350 - Sharon Clarke, USASame
champion350 - Steven Belding, USASame
champion350 - Valerie Bolek, USASame
champion350 - Viera Jablonska, SlovakiaSame
champion350 - Zeev Katz, CanadaSame
26349 - Constantin Scanteie, RomaniaSame
26349 - Gratia Scanteie, RomaniaSame
26349 - Greer Watson, CanadaSame
26349 - Janet Barrett, UKDown
26349 - John Austin, UKSame
26349 - Jose Manuel, SpainSame
26349 - K.P.Haroon, IndiaSame
26349 - Sanjika fernando, Sri LankaSame
26349 - Wayne Wink, USAUp
35348 - Amy Wong, UKSame
35348 - Jung Lee, USASame
37347 - CARLOS, ArgentinaSame
37347 - Sam Levitin, USASame
39346 - Frans van Temmen, NetherlandsDown
39346 - Murray Muspratt-Rouse, UKUp
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